People with Disabilities Are the Same As Everyone Else
How many people out there think that people with disabilities are any different than the people who have the use of their arms and legs? If you think that they are different, I have news for you. There is no difference! In fact, if anything, you must know there are people who don't have "a disability" that are more disabled than the people who are considered disabled. Case in point: Three men who are muscular and healthy, but have no life. They don't work, their lives are all screwed up, and all of their potential may be going to waste just because they don't have a clue what to do with themselves. There are people with disabilities, on the other hand, who are kicking ass and would put anyone who does not have a disability to shame. I am tired of hearing about people who have the use of their arms and legs complaining about how they can'y find anyone to share their lives with, or they cannot find "that one thing" that will fulfill or complete them. Are people so shallow that they cannot see beyond the physical? Doesn't anyone know that what is really important is what's on the inside? What is your opinion? Let's get it on! Why don't you speak your mind and tell us how you feel! It is easy! Just leave us a comment! I want to hear from you whether you are disabled or not. Maybe you can show me how wrong I am. I must say that I doubt it. I guess only time will tell. Bring it on!
At April 05, 2006 7:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, I'm one of those "able bodied" people whose outer and inner life is a mess. I like talking about my problems because it makes me feel like I am working on them when I'm really just working on my friends' patience.
At April 14, 2006 6:07 PM,
cPaul said…
There is nothing wrong with talking about any problems you are having. It is just that people have a hard time being able to put themselves in other people's shoes. If we talk too much about the same things and we complain too much, it can get old after a while. One of the points I am trying to get across is that some of the very people who cannot get their own lives together (even with the use of their arms and legs) are the ones who can look right past disabled individuals who "DO" have their heads on straight and know who they are. It's as if the person with the disability is a nonentity (a nobody) that doesn't deserve the light of day. I know that seems extreme, but my experience tells me otherwise. The anonymous comment is rather comical, but I'm sure friends' patience do wear thin at times. I'm just wondering if there will ever come a time when people will realize that their own insecurities and inadequacies can be more disabling than any physical disability will ever be. If only it were possible for people to be able to put themselves in the other persons' shoes, maybe people will begin to be grateful for the things they have and at the same time understand that the "physical" inadequacies of an individual mean nothing especially if it blinds others from seeing the true nature and beauty within many of these people. It is amazing how many friends of mine (female in this case) can look me right in the eyes and tell me that there are no good men to be had out there. All I can say is, "Hello, did you say there are no good men"? Please try again. You said what? I'm playing. I know they mean no harm. It's just that as I said before, it can really get old sometimes. I realize that this is just one scenario of many (employment, doctor / patient, entertainment, etc. -- are others) where people cannot see beyond the physical. Whatever the scenario, it seems like now would be a good time to talk about this. It is for me, anyway.
I must say the things I am talking about are old issues that run through the lives of people with disabilities. I just think these are important issues that should be spoken about. I am sure I am not the first, nor will I be the last. I just wish that anyone reading this will try to make a comment. Whatever opinion you have will be welcome! As you can see from the previous opinion, you can do it anonymously. So, we would really like to hear from you. We encourage you. Even if you want to blast me, we welcome that as well.
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