Council honours disabled sailor

Now, Hilary has her sighs set on sailing around Britain
Hilary's interview on Windows Media Player
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A paralyzed woman who became the first quadriplegic sailor to cross the English Channel has been honoured by Kent County Council.
Hilary's achievement shows that with the right support, anything is possible
Michael Bishop
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At September 30, 2005 12:46 AM,
*ArtJoy4Ever said…
Hilary Lister One remarkable woman happen to disabled have been making news around the world, for her accomplishments and records breaking. Even though some have harshly criticized. Obviously these indivuals don't know much about being disabled or to dream hight. When talking about Hilary, the point of their furum doesn't make any sense You be the judge. Hilary sailed her dreams she, had made her dreams come true. Probably something we never would intent to try. Hilary's next year's challenge will be to sail around Britain
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