Electrical stimulation gives hope to paralyzed
Therapy could help restore some function, some studies suggest It's called electrical stimulation exercise therapy
Wow! I read the article. I really think this kind of therapy actually could help to all those who are who are paralyzed. Specially children. Vibrating tingles of electricity worm into the legs of paralyzed patients children, and adults pulling at their muscles to pump up and down on a special bicycle. Children and adults alike can benefit with this treatment...
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Wow! I read the article. I really think this kind of therapy actually could help to all those who are who are paralyzed. Specially children. Vibrating tingles of electricity worm into the legs of paralyzed patients children, and adults pulling at their muscles to pump up and down on a special bicycle. Children and adults alike can benefit with this treatment...
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At February 01, 2006 9:04 AM,
*ArtJoy4Ever said…
On the same note, I found a very inspiring article could give you even more hope about walking and moving again Please read Quadriplegic Becomes Bionic Man
Come back tell us what do you think? Thanks
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