Our First Weekly Conference on Skype
We have liftoff! 10:44 and Paul finally got his Skype to work. Art is still working on it. The meeting was scheduled for 10pm.
This is where we work out the bugs and see if Skype meetings are actually feasible for PWDs, specifically quadriplegics.
Art is online, we are conferencing!
Paul was just too beat to continue, so Art and I will go ahead and work on getting Art's blog running again.
Art's, er female friend, to avoid naming names, went nuts saying this is the stupidest thing she has ever heard of. She said, "I thought you were meeting with people all over the world, but you're all right here!" (meaning New York City, Manhattan and Brooklyn)
Well, not RIGHT here. We are each at least 45 minutes travel time apart. If we have the weekly meeting like this, we don't lose the hour and a half of travel time and we each have our own computer to use instead of trying to share one computer.
Art has problems with an echo, I suggested using headphones. That fixed it for my brother. He also has a very old version of WIndows which does not support Skype so he was borrowing a friend's connection. I wonder if that is common among People with Disabilities; having an OLD version of Windows. Maybe we should look into
Gizmo, the other Skype competitor. Nope, I just looked and Gizmo wants at least WIndows 2000 too.
After a very long tutorial and some simple but time-consuming debugging, Art's blog is online again:
He and Paul will work on getting Paul's blog online again too.
It's 2:00am now.
That's a long meeting.
Skype is cool. We'll see if it is, in reality, the best way for us to do these virtual meetings.
The issues Paul has are:
No headmouse, so he has to have someone there to click because you can't talk and do voice commands and the same time. You may want to consider donating, so he can get a headmouse.
Insane background noise.
Innumerable distractions.
Inability to speak loud without a breathing helper. The breathing helper he has is LOUD so it can't really be used while Skyping.
Windows spyware problems and general computer problems.
This is where we work out the bugs and see if Skype meetings are actually feasible for PWDs, specifically quadriplegics.
Art is online, we are conferencing!
Paul was just too beat to continue, so Art and I will go ahead and work on getting Art's blog running again.
Art's, er female friend, to avoid naming names, went nuts saying this is the stupidest thing she has ever heard of. She said, "I thought you were meeting with people all over the world, but you're all right here!" (meaning New York City, Manhattan and Brooklyn)
Well, not RIGHT here. We are each at least 45 minutes travel time apart. If we have the weekly meeting like this, we don't lose the hour and a half of travel time and we each have our own computer to use instead of trying to share one computer.
Art has problems with an echo, I suggested using headphones. That fixed it for my brother. He also has a very old version of WIndows which does not support Skype so he was borrowing a friend's connection. I wonder if that is common among People with Disabilities; having an OLD version of Windows. Maybe we should look into
Gizmo, the other Skype competitor. Nope, I just looked and Gizmo wants at least WIndows 2000 too.
After a very long tutorial and some simple but time-consuming debugging, Art's blog is online again:
He and Paul will work on getting Paul's blog online again too.
It's 2:00am now.
That's a long meeting.
Skype is cool. We'll see if it is, in reality, the best way for us to do these virtual meetings.
The issues Paul has are:
No headmouse, so he has to have someone there to click because you can't talk and do voice commands and the same time. You may want to consider donating, so he can get a headmouse.
Insane background noise.
Innumerable distractions.
Inability to speak loud without a breathing helper. The breathing helper he has is LOUD so it can't really be used while Skyping.
Windows spyware problems and general computer problems.
At August 24, 2005 11:09 PM,
*ArtJoy4Ever said…
Well, finally, I was able to get in into this conference. It's cool stuff...
At August 25, 2005 10:57 AM,
*ArtJoy4Ever said…
The day after our first weekly conference on skype. Things went well with a small echo issue on my part, headset will correct it nevertheless, the conference went well. It was a good experience. Skype is an awesome way to have a virtual conference, even, we're all here in New York city, save us commute time.We look forward for you, and other people from different parts of the globe to join us for this cause. We're trying to start a disability awereness blog. Let's see how it goes.
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